Un-audited Financial Results
For the Quarter ended 30/06/2014 (Amount in Rs.)

Sl no. Particulars 3 months ended
Previous 3 months ended
Corresponding 3 months ended in the previous year30-Jun-13 Year to date figures as on 
    Audited Un-audited Un-audited Audited
1 Income from Operations        
  (a) Gross Sales 1,071,100 1,181,400 1,125,600 4,437,714
  (b) Other Operating Income   -    
  Total Income from Operations 1,071,100 1,181,400 1,125,600 4,437,714
2 Expenses        
  (a) Purchases 1,032,350 931,300 1,075,210 3,756,408
  (b) Change in closing stock, finished goods, Work in progress and stock in trade   - -   -   -
  (c) Employee Cost 44,490 6,317 26,200 58,359
  (d) Other expenses 160,471 172,622 31,692 513,295
  (e) Capital Increase Expenses w/off   - 452,010   - 452,010
  (f) Processing Fees 561,800      
  Total Expenses 1,799,111 1,562,249 1,133,102 4,780,072
3 Profit/loss from operation before other income, finance cost and exceptional items (1-2) (728,011) (380,849) (7,502) (342,358)
4 Other Income 326,676 410,390   - 418,967
5 Profit/loss from ordinary activites before finance cost and exceptional items (3+4) (401,335) 29,541 (7,502) 76,609
6 Finance Cost   - -   -   -
7 Profit/loss from ordinary activites after finance cost but before exceptional items (5-6) (401,335) 29,541 (7,502) 76,609
8 Exceptional Items   - -   -   -
9 Profit/loss from Ordinary activities before Tax (7-8) (401,335) 29,541 (7,502) 76,609
10 Tax Expense   -   - 25,000
11 Net Profit/ loss from Ordinary activities after Tax (9-10) (401,335) 29,541 (7,502) 51,609
12 Prior Period adjustments   - -   -   -
13 Net Profit/ Loss for the period (11-12) (401,335) 29,541 (7,502) 51,609
14 Paid up equity share capital 52,105,000 52,105,000 2,490,000 52,105,000
15 Reserves excluding revaluation reserve       15,560,087
16 Face Falue per Share (Rs.) 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
17 Earnings Per Share (Rs.)        
  (a) Basic (0.08) 0.01 (0.03) 0.01
  (b) Diluted (0.08) 0.01 (0.03) 0.01

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